Thursday, December 6, 2007

Update 12/6/07: KHS Class of 1998 Class Reunion

Greetings Classmates!

I pray that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that we’ll all have a great Holiday Season.

The Reunion Planning Committee will meet on Saturday, December 22nd at 7:00pm. (Location TBA)

We are diligently working on several things for our reunion weekend, so to update everyone on a couple of things, here is a list of what we have discussed and are currently working on:

1. The Class of 1998 reunion will be held in the Fall of 2008. This gives us enough time to plan and to build interest among all of our classmates. Here are the tentative activities the committee has discussed so far:

1. Tailgate and Football game (early evening) and/or
2. Meet and greet (early evening)
1. Day in the Park for families (10am-until) and
2. Official Reunion Celebration – Reception and Dance (8pm-until)
1. Brunch Farewell to our classmates (Dutch style @ restaurant, 10am-until)
2. (Optional) Sunday worship Fellowship

2. We will also establish a KHS class of 1998 bank Account. Ashley Heath, Davene’ Swinson, and myself (Kim McNair) will have access to the account. We will also need to obtain a Federal Tax ID # from the IRS for purposes of opening the account. We want everyone to feel comfortable about where our money is going. Therefore, with an account in the name of our class reunion, we can make our checks out to "KHS Class of 1998 Reunion" rather than to an individual person. And it will be much easier for us to keep the money straight, and to keep records of expenditures.

3. Torise Battle is currently working on locating other classmates whom we have not been able to reach. Tyrome Ward is collecting contact information for everyone in order to compile an official contact roster for our class. If you have information for Torise or if you want to send Tyrome your contact info, please send a message to

4. Jimmy Ryles and Torise continue to research ways we can advertise as the reunion date approaches. They will contact local and state newspapers and also research other avenues of publicity.

As always, we welcome your suggestions and input. So if you have theme ideas, or even ideas on fundraising, just send us an email at Until next time take care and Happy Holidays!