Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reunion Annoucement 9/27/07

Greetings Fellow Classmates!

It's been 10 years already, and it is now time for our first ever class reunion. I know that this may be the first time I have contacted a few of you, and I hope that each of you are doing well. Many of us have done truly great things since, marriage, kids, and careers. So get ready to mix, mingle and get caught up on who's been doing what for the past 10 years!

I have started the planning preparations for the event and I am gathering contact info for all of our classmates (~168). If you have email addresses or numbers for those people you have kept in contact with over the years, it would be helpful to get them to me whenever you can. I am also forming a planning committee, so if anyone is interested please let me know. Especially our senior class officers...... That way we will have a strong foundation and can begin to cover the logistics of the event, i.e. date, venue, etc. Together we can make this an event to remember!

I will keep each of you updated on the details as they develop. Be sure to contact me if you have any questions or ideas . I look forward to touching base with each of you soon. Take care and God Bless.

Once a Viking, Always a Viking.....

Yours in Viking Spirit,

Kim McNair

Senior Class President, KHS class of 1998
NCSU 2002
UCLA 2006

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