Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reminder: Please Pay Your Dues!

The deadline is fast approaching, and in order for this year’s reunion to be a success, we need your help! Currently we are in need of start-up funds for deposits, and of course we will incur several expenses to get the reunion off the ground, such as:

Deposit Monies for Venues
Security Costs
Custodial Costs
Venue rental Expenses
Entertainment Expenses
Food and Catering Expenses

So, if you are ready to send in your money, please send a check (or cash) in the amount of $50.00 (for classmates) and $20 (for guests) to "KHS Class of 1998 Reunion." Ashley is responsible for depositing all money into our account at BB&T. Her address is:

Ashley Heath[address removed on 11.24.16]

When sending in your payment, please include your email contact info, so Ashley can send you an email confirming your payment receipt. Again, the final deadline for all payments is June 1st 2008.

Thanks for all your help, and I look forward to seeing you all on Homecoming weekend, October 17th – 19th 2008.

God Bless and take care!

Kim McNair

Chair, KHS Class of 1998 Reunion Planning Committee
SCP, KHS Class of 1998

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