Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Update 9/27/07: KHS Class of 1998 Class Reunion

Hello again,

I just wanted to update you all on a few things. I have gotten contact info for many people. I have contacted most of you via email, and I continue to receive additions to the list daily. If you have additional contact info for the classmates you have kept in contact with, please email us at

Also, a few people have mentioned a couple of great ideas for the reunion. A Memorium has been suggested for all of our classmates who have passed away. So far we have come up with the following list of people. If we have neglected to mention anyone please let us know.

Kamesha Dove
Lynwood Edwards
Sherna Green

Justin Tingen

There are a few people who passed, that did not actually graduate with us (i.e. Johnathan Holoman). The committee will discuss including those people as well. If you all have any questions, suggestions or ideas, send an email to

Take care.

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